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Date: October 24, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM PST

Organizations are exploring machine learning to gain a competitive edge in the market. According to a recent Capgemini report, 3 in 4 companies are implementing AI and machine learning to increase sales of new products and services by more than 10%. Machine learning models are also being explored to enhance digital experiences for customers and improve efficiency and team collaboration.

In this webinar, we will share how machine learning applications work easily with Liferay DXP. Learn to build your own use cases for real world machine learning with Liferay's extensible and customizable platform. Tailor such complex tasks as content moderation, automated Q&A and sentiment analysis for web platforms.

Presenter: Rajesh Rathod, Associate Practice Lead, CIGNEX and Vishal Rangras, Software Engineer, CIGNEX

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